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  • Alida

It's All in the Sauce

Steak and eggs is a classic dinner at our house when we're lazy. My husband has loved this meal since his childhood: it's wildly popular to have this as a standard meal in Portugal. The twist on mine is the sauce. Deglazing a pan with red wine and garlic takes this breakfast/lunch/dinner to the next level. Serves 4.


4 large russet potatoes

2 cups frying oil (I use vegetable oil)

4-6 eggs

6 cloves garlic

1 cup red wine

4 thinly cut steaks

3 tbs butter

salt and pepper to taste


Begin by slicing garlic into thin pieces, set aside. Peel and thinly slice potatoes. Leave them in a single layer to dry.

Dry the steak so that it will get a good sear. Season with salt and pepper then place into a hot pan. After 3-4 minutes, flip and sear on the other side. Add the garlic and keep it moving to avoid burning. Once your steak is cooked, remove it (leave the garlic) and set in a warm place.

Next, add your red wine to the pan and de-glaze it. After it reduces to aprox half the volume, add 2 tbs butter and stir to incorporate. Pour over steaks and leave to rest.

In a separate deep pan or large pot, add frying oil. When hot, on medium high heat, gently fry your potatoes. When you notice them turning golden brown on one side, start flipping. The whole process shouldn't take more than 7 or 8 minutes.

In another pan while you cook the potatoes, warm 1 tsp of butter in a small frying pan. Break two eggs in the pan, season with salt and pepper. Cook over medium low heat (less than 30%) until sunny side up.

Now, assemble: Steak, a side of potatoes and top with an egg (or two). Finish with a drizzle of the red wine sauce and eat hot! Sidenote: I love to add hot sauce to this, it takes it to the next level.

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